Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Blaspheming the Name of God.

One thing that my student's love to say is "Oh, my G-d!" I can't stand this. I've been really convicted of saying this over the past two years. I don't like hearing it on TV, in movies, from friends, etc.

My students like to drop this phrase and I've started to get on their case about it. I told them that it's not allowed in my class. I don't like them to blaspheme the name of the God I believe in.

Last night, I asked some students why people don't say, "oh, my buddha" or "oh, my confucious." They replied, "because no one believes in that." I then asked, well, how come you, who are not Christian, who don't believe in the Christian God, say, "oh, my G-d?"

They couldn't answer. They were at a loss for words. They said "we don't know."

Someone suggested they do it because everyone else does it. I asked them if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you do it, too? Of course not! Just because someone else does things, doesn't mean it's good.

Remember, we all have to answer to a good and righteous Judge in the end.


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