Witnessing Throughout New York City!!
Sorry for not updating in a while. I met up with my friend Nick and have been encouraged to do some preaching on the subway and elsewhere. It's totally different than from doing it in Taiwan. It's actually soooo much more scarier!!! I've been using my "poor" English skills as my excuse not to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ more often. But you know what, that's not an excuse. Saying that I don't know what to say or how to start is not an excuse.
If you have been snatched from eternal damnation in hell by Jesus Christ, how can you not tell anyone? How can you leave it to someone else to do YOUR job as a Christian. Get up off the couch. Leave the coffee shop and do something.
The only statistic that is true is that 10 out of 10 people die! Are you not concerned? Charles Spurgeon said, "Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you're not saved yourself, be sure of that!"
If you call yourself a Christian, why are you still sitting at the computer keeping the message of hope, love and joy to yourself? Get up, get out, and go tell somebody!
I pray that these are an encouragement, especially to my dear loves in Taiwan. I miss you girls and I'm so proud of your growth in the faith, but I plead with you to step out of your comfort zone and tell someone about Jesus Christ! Why? Because every day 150,000 people die and many of them are going straight to hell because they died in their sin. Have you no concern?This is Chin-Ling from Tibet. He heard the Gospel for the first time in his life. His heart was so soft towards Jesus. He was concerned about his eternal salvation. There was a little language problem, BUT he wants to know more about Jesus Christ! I told him that's good. He should find out for himself rather than just listen to what I said. We gave him a Bible and directed him to the Book of John.
Open Air Preaching on the 4 train. I've preached on the trains a few times and have been really encouraged by other Christians who were sitting in the same cars. I encouraged them to step out in faith and preach the Word boldly. My new brother, Shawn, witnessing to a young man who said HE IS CHRISTIAN but NEVER reads his Bible and COULD NOT give Shawn a clear presentation of the Gospel. In fact, he did NOT know the Gospel!
On the 4 train again. Nick and I try to do some one-on-one witnessing after. I'm still in the hit and run phase. I'm still learning...
Shawn's wife, Lisa, saw these young adults eating food from the garbage. We were broken for them. I asked them if we could buy them dinner, but the catch was they had to listen to us first before they could have the food. They agreed. I preached the Gospel to them, but many of them insisted that they believe in Jesus; however, they showed absolutely no fruit of a Christian life.
(Later that evening, Shawn brought a PA to the boardwalk and open air preached. There was a young man there who said he used to be a Christian and was backsliden. I had the privilage of witnessing to him. I was very forward with him and told him that he probably never slidden forward in the first place. He was overwhelmed with guilt and shame in the fact that he knows the Word of God, but he doesn't do anything about it. He knew he needed to "get right" with God, but didn't even know how to begin. He felt that God could not forgive him. I had the honor of helping him and encouraging him to pour out his heart to God; he didn't need me to tell him what to say in order to repent. To my surprise he did it aloud! Nick and I will help him find a church and I pray that he will come through on it. He has been so beat up by Church people!! Please pray for Paul).
Friends, even demons believe in Jesus and are they going to heaven? Of course not!
Remember, the fact is, we are not promised tomorrow. You and I could loose our lives at any time. What will happen to you when you die? Will you go to heaven because you think you're a good person? Jesus Christ declares that there is NONE good BUT God! Friends, we are NOT good people. Just look at God's holy and righteous standard. Examine yourself in light of scripture for it is a mirror to expose ourselves to ourselves. How many lies have you told? If you told just one by definition you're a liar. Have you ever stolen anything? It doesn't matter the cost or size, you'd be a thief. Have you ever hated someone? Jesus says that if you hate your brother, it's the same as murder because God looks at the heart. Have you ever looked at another with lust? Jesus says that looking to lust is the same as committing adultery. Remember God sees the heart.
Do you still think you're a good person? If you do, you're lying to yourself. By our nature, we are wicked people. You and I are wicked and deserve punishment on the day of judgement. In fact, God will judge us. And if we are found guilty in His sight, we will be cast into hell.
But friends, there is GOOD NEWS! For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him would have eternal life. Jesus Christ paid our debt for our sin by freely giving Himself to die on the cross. No one took His life, but He gave it as a sacrifice, so that our sins would be washed away and we could be made right before God.
Friends, there is nothing that we can do in and of ourselves to escape God's wrath on the day of judgement. However, the Bible says that if you repent, which means to stop sinning and turn from it and put your trust in Jesus alone, you will be saved! Then read your Bible and do what it says, not because you have to, but because you WANT to!
Today is the day of salvation and it is by no other name that one can be saved. Remember, friends, we are all going to die. What will happen to you? Will you be found innocent or guilty before the Good and Just Judge? Does that concern you? I pray that you consider all I've said. Your eternal life is more important than your earthly one.
Good post :-)
Street preaching is probably my favourite form of evangelism. There really aren't many places (if any) to do it in the town I live in (it's VERY small), but there are always opportunities to hand out tracts and do some "one-on-one" with people. I saw on FB that you went to Vegas for a little while...did you get to do any street preaching there? It's probably my favourite place to preach :-)
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