Saturday, June 02, 2007


I went to the interview and got the job yesterday! It's less hours, almost the same benefits and pays more than my current job and I can leave Taiwan earlier. The school is gorgeous! I met some co-workers and they're crazy! (Good crazy). My boss has this very peaceful air about her. I will be teaching 3-6 year olds in the morning (with an American guy and a Canadian guy). In the afternoon, it's 1st and 2nd graders. And in the evening, writing with older children.

I'm not worried about the 3-6 year olds. I kept telling my my co-teacher how I want children (like now) and look, God provided!!! :)

I'll start when I come back in August. This will be my last year in Taiwan, but the owner said, if I like it, I can come back for vacation and she'll let me work.

I was really interested in this school due to the discipline (if the students aren't performing well, they could be asked to leave the school), concentration on teaching life skills and the facilitation of independent learning (ei. Teaching children how to learn on their own or let them explore how to learn). This was the only application I put in. During the interview, I found out that this guy I went to church with when I first came to Taiwan works here. So, I already know someone at the company!

I called Amos (my co-teacher) to tell him right away. I almost started crying because I truly have enjoyed working at his school. I know all the 2nd graders were looking forward to having me as their English teacher.


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