On-line Evangelism
For those who say that the Law doesn't work. This is someone I met several months ago. I never talked to him until a few days ago. He was not a Christian and to my understnding couldn't believe that God is real...until, someone actually stepped out and spent time with him to explain.
I all glory goes to God! And I thank Him for the opportunity to share His Word! May this be an encouragement to all those who want to evangelize, but don't because they are scared. So, get out there and share your faith...the clock is ticking...
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
how are you doing today
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
pretty good...really tired
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Judy told me that your schedule is always full of jobs
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
yes, i dont like it
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
maybe you can take a rest inthe weekend
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
i hope so!
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
are you coming back this weekend?
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
maybe next weekend , 4/12
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Do you still have job in the weekend
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
yes, i have my own business that i work on
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
your own business?
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
yes....helping people
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
are you interested in making more money?
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
i like to enjoy my life
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
i do too and thats why im doing this...
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
help other people so you can feel happy?
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
no, help other people to help themselves because i like helping people
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
and im doing this to make extra money so that one day i can build an orphanage in africa and not have to beg people to support it
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
you are so good and honest
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
well, that's just what has been in my heart for many years
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
and i cant wait until the day comes that it will happen
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Do you always like to help people from you were a little girl?
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
nope, actually i hated people
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
why you hate people
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
i was just filled with hate as a child and teenager
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
until you touch religion?
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
actually, religion is what man comes up with to make himself feel better....i met the Lord Jesus Christ....i knew that i wasnt a good person...i lied, stole, was disobedient to my parents, had idols, worshipped satan....and i knew that if i died i was going to be judged by God. and since He is a just judge and i broke His law, i'd go to hell...
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
So, you really feel the Lord?
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
no, i KNOW the Lord
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
its not about our feelings
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
its about knowing that we are not good people...and we are in need of a Savior...and because God loves us sooo much, He sent Jesus to pay the fine
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
God is so merciful that He accepted Christ's death as payment, so that we can have a right relationship with Him
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
oh~i know
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
but i always doubt because i can't feel the existance of the Lord
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
yes, but like i said, it's not about feeling. the Jesus says that all we do is repent and put our trust in Him...we read the Bible and obey it. we have faith.
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
have you ever asked yourself what would happen to you if you died tonight?
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
what do you think would happen to you?
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
do you think you would go to heaven or hell?
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
but does that concern you?
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
so many people make hell out to be this huge party of bad people, but the Bible says that it's torture...it's a bottomless pit, filled with pain and agony...and it's so hot you will never find relief
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
no , actually i never think hell is bad or good
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
and that's forever and ever and ever...there's no end
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
it's a horrible place...and david, i wouldnt want you to go there!!!
and you shouldn't want to go their either
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
this is your soul....i mean you wouldn't sell your eyes for a million dollars, would you?
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
ok, i got it><
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
no, because you value them
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
it sounds very terribly
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
Jesus said that if your eyes cause you to sin, to pluck them out
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
how much more is your soul worth/
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
Jesus said that what does it profit a man if he gains the world but loses his soul to eternal damnation?
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
your soul should be so precious to you
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
and david, we are not promised tomorrow. we could die at anytime and we dont know when
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
this really should concern you
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
it concerns me...and im concerned for you
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
ok. i will try to help people
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
well, its not about helping people, david
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
there's no good work that we can do to win favor in God's eyes
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
the only way that we can become acceptable to God is through Jesus Christ
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
we can't go to heaven by the "good" things we do
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
what are you thinking about right now?
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
i think that maybe i should go to the church in the weekend for this
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
maybe i can understand more about this
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
david, don't wait for this weekend. i can help explain it to you now. remember we are not promised tomorrow, and if i stay up for several more hours talking with you about this, it's worth it
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
you're worth the time
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
so you would like to introduce me ?
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
and i may not have all the answers, but i can find them for you
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
i would like to introduce you to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
as i said, it's only through Him that man can be "saved..."
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
let me give you an illustration...be patient while i type it
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
so, lets be honest with ourselves. you and i both know that we are not good people...we both have not met God's perfect standard as outlined in the 10 commandments (don't lie, steal, take God's name in vain, etc) we both are guilty of breaking God's law...now, imagine that you've died and are standing before God, who is going to judge you for ever deed, word and thought. yes, God sees our heart
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
if you have ever looked at a girl with sexual desire, according to Jesus, you've committed adultery in your heart...because God sees the heart...
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
now, you will be judged according to these things and you already told me that you would be found guilty and sentenced to eternity in hell....
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
if you murdered someone in taiwan and went to trial and found to be guilty...if the judge was a good and just judge, you would be punished....there's nothing you can do to get out of that punishment...you can't tell him that you only murdered one person or that you gave money to charity or helped old ladies...justice must be served and you must be punished...
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
and it's the same way with God...there's nothing YOU can do to get out of punishment...no deed will set you free...
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
but here's the amazing part
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
the doors of the courtroom fling open and someone comes in....this person says, "judge, i will take the punishment for david. i will pay the fine so that david can go free. don't punish him. punish me."
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
and that's exactly what Jesus did for you...
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
He stepped into God's courtroom and took the punishment for you, so that you don't have to go to hell...
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
God loves you soooo much, david. He is so merciful and will forgive you of breaking His Law.
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
and the only thing that you have to do is to repent (tell God you're sorry for your sins) and turn away from sin...which means don't do it anymore....and put your trust in Jesus Christ
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
and when you do that you'll begin to see that God will change you from the inside out
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
So, what we should do is to believe HE?
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
He'll give you a new heart
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
first you repent and then trust Him
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
yes, believe.....and part of believing is faith
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
we have faith that Christ is real.
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
just look at the world around you...there's no way that things just blew up into existance out of nothing
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
no, someone had to design it all
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
look at the building you're in now
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
you know that someone built it, yet, you never saw the person
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
it's the same thing...
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
we know that God exists by looking at creation, yet, we have never seen Him
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
i see
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
does that make sense to you?
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
so what are you going to do about it?
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
mm..introspection myself
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
that's a good start, but remember in the end, there's nothing you can do to change yourself....only God can do that work
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
haha ...i know
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
david, i wish you knew me before i became a christian...you would never recognize me
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
and no matter what i did on my own, i couldnt change myself
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
it was only God who could change me
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
repenting and putting my trust in Jesus was and still is and will always be the best thing ive ever done in my life
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
and it's only been 7 years, 12 days and almost 4 hours
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
so you were still a bad girl when you were 20 years old?
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
(aside from the fact that i still do bad things, but now it's different, now i hate it when i sin)....but yes, i was actually into witchcraft and satanism at 20
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
and i only tell you that because God changed me!
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
i didn't do it on my own
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
and you know..i never "felt" God either
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
i just realized that i needed a Savior
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
It is so amazing for your change
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
that's the kindness, love, and mercy of God!
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
i don't deserve it...im not a good person...i deserve hell, but God in His mercy saved me from that through Jesus Christ's death and resurrection
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
what are you thinking about now?
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
it is really a strange thing , and i want to change too!
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
what is stopping you?
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
yes, what is stopping you from repenting and trusting Jesus?
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
So, how should i start?
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
what should i do
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
well, im not going to say here's a prayer and repeat after me....if you were married and cheated on your wife, you wouldn't need me to stand behind you and tell you what to say to her...
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
but this is my suggestion.
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
let's start!
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
you get off the computer, go into your room and talk to God....pour out your heart to God...ask him for forgiveness of your sins and name your sins to Him (he already knows, but its like you're acknowledging them)...God will forgive you
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
believe that!
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
then you choose to trust Jesus
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
do you have a Bible, david?
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
read it...and do what it says....
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
I will give you a Bible when you come next week...remind me.
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
for now, go to www.blueletterbible.org
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
you can read it online and read the Book of John in the New Testament.
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
and i would be willing to help you learn
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
ok~ thank you
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
so, david, don't wait another moment....
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
go spend time talking with God....talk out loud
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
afterwards, email me and
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
tell me about it
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
and listen...
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
I will do my best^^
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
if you struggle with belief....ask God to help you belief to take away any doubt....don't worry, its not performance...just pour out your heart to God
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
be honest with Him...remember, He already knows your thoughts
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
OK , i will try to communicate with Him~~
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
the Bible says that when you call upon the Lord, He will hear you!!
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
God is not a liar....He will hear you! I know this!!
Movin' to the Middle East. says:
So, go, go, go...and know that I am praying for you and look forward to your report!
[David] 重新統計鞋子尺寸樣式 大家找我登記! says:
ok~ thanks for your help~
Interested to see if he is a "true convert," or just one of those "false converts." I guess we won't know for a couple of years.
I don't think waiting a couple of years would be necessary. First, I trust that God has made a change in him. Secondly, from the past times I've talked to him, I could tell there's a change. It wasn't just a "I want to get rid of her so I'm going to agree."
If only you knew other conversations.
Anyway, fruit should be evident, change should be evident. And it wasn't riding on the emotion of "God can make your life better." (Notice, God changes the heart and then you won't desire your sinful life; you'll begin to hate sin).
Side Note:
I would sell my eyes for a million dollars.
Wow. How sad. Jeff, if you sold your eyes for a million dollars, you'd never drive again; you'd never experience viewing the wonders of creation; you'd obviously be able to "see" your children grow up, but you'd never see them.
My aunt was blind from the age of 35 until her death in her 90s. She would have given almost anything to have her sight back.
You have no idea of the implications of losing your sight. Either that or you would seek to start an argument on my blog.
Now, that's just not going to happen.
Bless you!
Thanks so much for sharing this!!
Though I have to admit, I'd sell my eyes for a million dollars too (I remember reading that on the back of a tract), b/c I could do so much good in the world with a million dollars. I am a Christian, but I've just never got that "you wouldn't sell an eye for a million dollars, or both of yours for 20 million" simply b/c I would do it in a heartbeat....do you know how many ppl we could win to the Lord with $20 million!!! Anyway....great post :-)
Rhea, you're welcome. Just remember it's not our money that wins people to the Lord, it's the Holy Spirt. All we are to do is obey and preach the Word, as Jesus commanded us and as Paul told Timothy to do. We are to never stop preaching and teaching.
It's not our job to convert people. It's the Holy Spirit.
So, while a lot of money would be nice, I could build several schools in Mexico and Africa with that money. And I could argue that it would bring a lot of children to me so I can share the Gospel with them. And it probably would.
But you know, just as with my life, my eyesight is a precious gift from God. I would go farther and ask, would you kill yourself if someone told you to. They told you that they have 20 million dollars and they will use it to evangelize.
Money is useful in evangelism. I could fly all over the world and preach. I could print zillions of tracts. I could hire people to help me out.
But, if we begin to think that money will help us win people to the Lord, then all we have done is create an idol.
Not only have we created an idol out of money, but we have created a god in our own image.
We no longer think that God has the power to change the hearts of people, and that something needs to be thrown into the mix. (Ex. God's power + money = more souls won). Clearly the Bible speaks about God being mighty to save.
And look, Peter, John, and the other apostles didn't have a lot of money, but they worked. And still look, thousands upon thousands of people became believers. It wasn't money that helped. It was the Spirit of God.
Just something to think about.
I totally see what you're saying. I definitely don't think that money has somehow become an idol to me in regards to evangelism (or anything else). I simply realise that from a pragmatic view, money helps us get the Gospel out there.
And while I'm extremely thankful for my sight, at the same time it's not my identity. I'm not particular sure how to explain it...
Do I think that somehow if I don't get $20 million that God can't save people? Of course not, but at the same time, how do I know that God wouldn't intend for me to get that $20 million and use it to advance the Gospel?
Not sure if this is making a lot of sense...I hope that you're able to follow :-)
I'm sorry if I somehow implied that excessive amounts of money is necessary to get the Gospel out there to ppl. All I meant was that money can be used as a tool.
No worries. That's what I thought you were saying, but I wanted to make sure I understood. And rather than asking questions (here if you question something someone says it's viewed as insulting them), I just expounded on it.
Sometimes, I have trouble explaining clearly what I mean, especially in Taiwan, where English levels are so low. I have to use basic/kindergarten level English when I speak with most adults, and often, they don't grasp what I'm trying to say to them.
So, again, don't worry, and great point that money should be viewed as a tool. I know a number of people here that will say, well, I don't have money to go buy tracts. I told them you don't need tracts, you have a voice, go use it. They think that when they have money, they will be able to go evangelize. Honestly, they'll never go do it...
When they get money, they'll find another excuse.
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