Sunday, September 09, 2007

My Broken Heart for the Lost.

I'm brokenhearted today. I really like the church I'm in, but I heard something today that made me weep! The message was about the Great Commission and evangelism. I was so excited when I saw the outline!!! I thought, "Alright, NOW we're going somewhere..."

It started out great!!! Talking about revival and how when Jesus changes your life, you can't help BUT get excited and want to tell others.

But then...

I couldn't believe what I heard!! (And I'm not really sure what to make of it because it was clearly stated that this is what seems to work for this church...).

The way to fulfill the Great Commission is to bring people to church and because of the atmosphere MAYBE God will speak to them. I asked about this after church and was told that the church had tried street evangelism and passing out tracks several times and it always fell apart (read: no commitment). I was told that if people have the time and want to do it, then it's fine, but it had been a waste of time. The best way for this group to see people come to know Christ is to bring them to church and let God speak to them. HOW IN THE WORLD CAN THIS BE A WASTE OF TIME?!?!?!?! I rather spend the rest of my life telling everyone about Jesus and never bring anyone to the Lord then to just invit people to church...hoping that God will speak to them!!! I can't imagine Jesus saying that he wasted His time sharing the Father's heart with the Pharasees and with those who didn't repent and trust God. I just can't. This truly, truly breaks my heart!!!!

I'm not saying this with a critical spirit at all. The Bible says to judge everything in light of Scripture. And for me, this doesn't play out. Where is the conviction!!! Where is love and concern for ALL people?? Why should it be that only those who would want to attend a church service be "privilaged" to hear the Gospel?? Doesn't the stranger in the street deserve to hear it?!?! If you or I don't tell them, then WHO WILL?!?

Does this type of "evangelism" lead to disobedience? It seems to me as if, just inviting them to church and hoping that God will speak to them, goes against the very instruction of Jesus Christ found in Matthew 28:16-20 and Mark 15:15. Jesus says, "Go and teach all nations" and "Go into ALL THE WORLD and PREACH the Gospel to EVERY creature."

I know disobedience is not the heart of these people. I can see a desire and love for others in them. But if you've truly been changed by Jesus Christ, how can you NOT go and tell strangers about Him? Doesn't everyone deserve to hear the Gospel, whether or not they accept it? Why should the Gospel message be for only a select few (those who are willing to go to church)?

I'm not questioning anyone's motive. I have the right to question what people say about the word of God, and therefore, I'm exercising that right. I feel they have very good intentions. I just think, scripturally, it's wrong. Jesus COMMANDS us to go!!! Not, just to those in our sphere of influence...but to ALL THE WORLD! This is something I can't reconcile...and I don't think I ever will...

On the same note: We need to get back to the reality of the cross and stop sugar-coating the Gospel. Yes, God is a God of love, but He's also a just judge. And folks, hell IS real. If you appeal to emotions rather than the conscience, you're going to end up with a whole bunch of false conversions. People are worth so much (that Jesus gave His life so we can be right with God), they deserve to hear the truth. It's the most loving thing you can ever do for another.


At 8:29 PM , Blogger 00 said...

Was looking at your archives, and came across this post. I think that many people view evangelism this way. Their only "responsibility" in sharing the Gospel with anyone is simply inviting that person to church (which isn't really sharing the Gospel, per se). I think that it's b/c not enough churches TEACH their members how to really go out and preach the Gospel. They expect to simply be able to bring a friend of theirs to church and have the pastor do all the "work" in sharing the Gospel. Church has become too much of a "spectator sport."

Going along with that, it really saddens me to hear a church preach what you just shared. No one in the congregation is going to be going out proclaiming the Gospel if the leadership in the church isn't doing it, and not only are they not doing it, but they seem to almost be actively discouraging it.

Relating to evangelism, a year or two ago I read a book about evangelism called God's Greatest Passion that I thought you might be interested in. The first half talks about the "why" of evangelism, and the 2nd half looks at practical things that ppl can do to share their faith on a daily basis. You can buy if from Amazon, and here's the website for it:

At 3:15 AM , Blogger stella said...

Today we went to invite people to church. All, the groups talked about was the church and that they should come "check it out." Since I was in a group of people who could translate, there was no way I was not going to give the Gospel.

I don't know if the other people felt like it was a waste of time, but I didn't see it that way.

I'm not sure if they were embarrassed to share or just tired.

I'm hoping to get a few of the young adults over and help them to share their faith. That's what I like about Way of the Master. It's not about, well, this person is right and this is how you should do it. But it's more about, I'm now comfortable and not afraid to share my faith.

At first, I memorized the little scipts on the back of tracks because I was so scared. But now, I'm almost to the point where I use my own words.

It's a starting point. And I think that's what we need to start with because people aren't being taught in the place they should be: the church.

Anyway, I could go on and about it.
Last week, the pastor said that we need to make church comfortable for outsiders, make them feel loved so they will want to come back...

Um, how about preach the true Gospel, they get saved and then they will want to come back.

Woah! There's a crazy thought! :)

At 10:18 PM , Blogger 00 said...

I've been wondering (in regards to our church services) if perhaps we've got it all wrong. If the point of "doing church" on Sunday is to worship God, then shouldn't non-Christians who come be somewhat uncomfortable? I'm not saying that we need to go out of our way to make them hate it or anything, but this idea that we need to cater our services for non-Christians....I think that we're missing the whole point of having a Sunday service by doing that. Now, on the other hand, I think that it's great if a church wants to have a mid-week service more geared toward seekers and others who don't know a lot about Christianity...or if a church once a week wants to do a say a Friday night service geared toward non-Christians so that they can explain to them a little about Christianity....that's cool in my book. But so many churches seem so proud that their services are enjoyed by non-Christians...and I just don't know...there seems to be something slightly "wrong" with that (that might not be the best word to use).

Not that I think that altar calls are bad or anything, but when you read the Book of Acts, I see people getting saved OUTSIDE of the weekly church meeting. People are responding to the Gospel OUTSIDE the place where the church gathers to worship. I think that we (especially leaders in churches) need to equip the lay members of the church to share the Gospel daily with whoever they meet. Now, the first step to that might simply be getting members of a church to invite ppl to the service, but it certainly shouldn't stop with that.

Wow....I'm long-winded :-D I have a feeling that I'm "preaching to the choir" anyway :-)


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