What a Day!!...Mexican Fishing...Sorta
My boss took all the teachers out to lunch today. We ate at a fancy-smancy place. I felt out of place and underdressed. I didn't know we were going to such a nice place. Anyway, last week she asked what I wanted to eat. I told her curry was fine. It turned out to be beef. I don't like beef, nor did I like the salad dressing that drenched the salad before the meal. The waitstaff was wondering what was wrong with me. I did't eat. I wanted to cry. I felt bad and it was my fault for not asking more questions about the food.
Anyway, I slipped over to the English Conversation meeting. Irene and Tina went with me this time. Then we went to have dinner with Eric and David. While we were eating our "Mexican" food, an elderly couple came over to talk with us. I had said "hi" to them in Chinese. The older man started talking to David, and with his wife talking to us, I started to ask her what would happen to her when she died. She was convinced she was going to heaven because she's a good person. I gave her the good person, test, and to her surprise, she failed. I took her through the law and God's grace. She said she could not accept Jesus because she has her god, although, she is now very concerned about going to hell. You could even see it on her face! She was so quiet and you could see remorse on her face. I told her this was a good thing and that I hope she thinks on it. She did give me a compliment and thank me for coming and sharing the message with her. She talked about how wonderful and how grateful she is that Christian people are coming to teach English. She said indirectly, Christians are effecting the school systems and she saw that as a good thing! The older lady.
After the woman and her husband left, I noticed that Eric's facial expressions had changed. And since he translated for me, he understood what I had said. I asked him what he thought about it and he said that going to hell concerns him, too. Taiwanese men don't cry or show emotion, but Eric was all but letting the tears roll down his face. It was such a precious thing to see the Holy Spirit moving. We lent him Irene's Bible for the week and he promised to read the Gospel of John. Please pray for Eric. I'll see him in a week or two. David (left) and Eric (right).
I handed out gospel tracts as foreigners passed. I gave some to 3 guys. They approached me as I was leaving and asked if I was a Christian. I said yes, and he turned out to be one too! I made 3 new friends: Carlos from Guatamala, and Paulo and Luis, both from El Salvador! Carlos offered to help me practice my Spanish and I told him to come evangelizing with me...What a great exchange!!
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