Saturday, December 29, 2007

Thursday Night

Brought back some memories from my time in Russia. As I was sleeping, some kind of bug bit my face 6 times (and no, it wasn't a mosquito). My face became swollen and red, my left arm became completely numb and I had a difficult time breathing.

My friend came over and stayed the night to make sure I was okay.

I went to a pulmonary doctor to have my lungs checked out. (I've had asthma for several years but have had it under control for the past 8 years or so). He put me back on similiar steriods that I took in high school and college. Man, it feels good to breathe again!!

And even better, the (smart) doctor ordered allergy tests for me. I've been asking my doctor for one for a year now and he always says that I don't need one.


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