Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Earthquakes and Another Afternoon at the Hospital

We had another earthquake at 1 am this morning. I mentioned to Judy, "do you feel the earthquake?" She said she didn't feel anything...Perhaps, it's all in my head...Well, I checked this morning and there was another 5.2 quake. I'm becoming really sensitive to the motion of the earth here. I don't know what that's supposed to mean...

So, we called the doctor again today to tell him what the ER would not check me for last night. I have to go in at 2pm and I might have to stay overnight for observation. We shall see...

Levi also went to the hospital today. He hasn't drank water or eaten food since I got him, which also means he's not getting his medicine. Poor baby!

Update: I met with the doctor who prescribed my meds and he took me off some. He said that I don't have a virus infection, contrary to what the doctor said last night (this is why I HATE this hospital) and pain in my chest is probably related to all the coughing I've done in the past week. I do, now, have to monitor my breathing with a peak flow meter and record the numbers twice a day. It will help me to be in control of the asthma and know when I should go to the emergency room or not.

Also, baby kitten is fine, too. Go figure. The doctor got him to eat. You want t know what I'm feeding him?!? DOG FOOD!!!! Man, I have two mixed up, crazy, confused cats! Judah acts like a dog and Levi is eating dog food.

Oh, and my boss told me to take the morning off tomorrow to rest. What does it mean to rest? I have no idea!! I've missed 6 hours of work this week and will be gone all day on Friday as well. I have a very teeny, tiny paycheck coming...This is why I don't like hourly work...

Singapore...32 hours.


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