Saturday, April 12, 2008

OOHHH!! I Response to My E-mail!!!

The following is an email I received in response to my note to the Tainan Bulletin on the subject of religion. I wonder if someone can make some sense of it because I cannot. I'm not sure what the person is trying to say here. It left me with a big, "HUH?!?!"

I happen to agree with alot of what Paul said. Okay, angels and minorgods are not the same. Then again, that's not what I understoodanyway. I didn't read: "Ma Joo is, in fact, none other than Gabriel orSaint Peter" or somesuch. He said they're similar or "almost the same". So let's not fool ourselves here. We're not talking logically. Anyway,here's my 2 cents, and I don't need no stinking logic either >:) Yes, churches are built in the name and honor of saints. Prayersspoken to their names and can be carried by candles. They areworshipped for their piety, virtue, etc. These are all acceptedpractices, and this is the way it's been for hundreds of years already. However, not in the Vatican, not even in the most provincial of minds,has an Angel, a Saint, or the Lord Jesus ever been confused for theCreator. At least, not in any provincial mind with the most basicunderstanding of Christianity. So who wants to judge all those poor devout Christians for breakingthe first and second commandments, based on their actions - onkneeling in front of anything but the altar of God? Who will quote theBible passage that spells out their folly? Or perhaps there is someone who can see into and touch their confusedhearts and minds? Guide them from one of the Anglican orders into anoffshoot of the Lutherian belief, or or or... Oops, I've strayed fromthe flock by following the contradictions within Christianity. But please don't take this the wrong way. I very much believe the Bible is Truth, as the Word of God, right downto those very interpretations of the Cosmology therein. Other, oldercultures describe the same cosmology. Then again, in all times andages, people get the wrong idea, often because of the Bible. Sometimeswe only see want we want to or need to see. And sometimes we justdon't get it. There's always an appropriate passage to quote for bothsides. Even the Devil can abuse the Bible in that way. But Truth, as opposed to a mundane truth or false, does not lie hiddenbetween the lines or in any slew of Bible passages, especially notafter it has been translated and edited throughout the ages.Intellectually, we're half-blind towards our chosen religions, andprobably more than half-blind towards other religions. So, if Truth is Out There, somewhere, where does that leave us? It'sall about the intangibles. I love logic and science and all, eventhough I'm blind, but there's also love, doubt, imagination, reason,and so on! Don't need to see to feel, do we? It's so easy! That devoutBuddhist on the undiscovered island, going through all the rightmotions - one day he gets to heaven's gate, and there "I" sit, saintPeter, with "my" key. I don't know the real Peter's judgement, butwhat would I do? Tell him to go where the sun don't shine? Hell no!I'd give him the grand Celestial tour, and then let him decide. No usejudging him according to some ridiculously out-of-context bunch ofrules and regulations! Those are just there to lose faith in yourbrain and start having faith in His! Or maybe, if I was a stickler for detail, I'd let him reincarnate in aChristian country. PS. I'd never bother to write this, but I just saw that movieConstantine. Cool movie!


At 1:30 PM , Blogger pastorbrianculver said...

Okay Nicole, I have tried to decipher what this person has written and here is what I can see...
"Ma' Joo is, in fact, none other than Gabriel orSaint Peter" or somesuch. He said they're similar or "almost the same"."

angels and peter are the same only in the sense of being created beings by God! The difference is, we will judge angels!

"Anyway,here's my 2 cents, and I don't need no stinking logic either"

If logic goes out the door, then he is running purely on his own ideology.

"They areworshipped for their piety, virtue, etc. These are all acceptedpractices, and this is the way it's been for hundreds of years already. However, not in the Vatican, not even in the most provincial of minds,has an Angel, a Saint, or the Lord Jesus ever been confused for theCreator."

just because something has been practiced for hundreds of years does not mean it is accepted! Catholics have worshipped Mary for years, but that does notmake it right. And as far as Jesus ever been confused for the creator. Uh, have him read the book of John! All things were created by the word, the word was with God and the word was God. The word became flesh!

"At least, not in any provincial mind with the most basicunderstanding of Christianity. So who wants to judge all those poor devout Christians for breakingthe first and second commandments, based on their actions - onkneeling in front of anything but the altar of God? Who will quote theBible passage that spells out their folly? Or perhaps there is someone who can see into and touch their confusedhearts and minds?"

He has absolutely no knowledge of what the bible says. It is sad because this poor man is lost and headed for hell.

"Guide them from one of the Anglican orders into anoffshoot of the Lutherian belief, or or or... Oops, I've strayed fromthe flock by following the contradictions within Christianity."

hey this sounds like the teachings of a person from the Leeds, UK area!!

"But please don't take this the wrong way. I very much believe the Bible is Truth, as the Word of God, right downto those very interpretations of the Cosmology therein."

I hope this is a lesson to all people who assume that just because someone says they believe the bible, it does not mean they are saved and going to heaven.

"There's always an appropriate passage to quote for bothsides."

Actually that is not true, because when we take the bible and read it in context, it does not contradict itself!

"No usejudging him according to some ridiculously out-of-context bunch ofrules and regulations! Those are just there to lose faith in yourbrain and start having faith in His! Or maybe, if I was a stickler for detail, I'd let him reincarnate in aChristian country"

This guy has only taken God's Word and completely diminished its importance in our daily life. To say a"if" the truth is out there somewhere, is to show ignorance to God's Holy Word even though he says he believes in the bible.

Sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo talk with absolutely no intelligent thought given to his statements. I know I have my trolls who come to my site, but at least they seem to have a little bit of respect for the bible (even though they too don't believe the bible to be without error!) I wouldn't waste too much time on this one. Give him God's Word and leave it up to God to do the rest.

At 2:45 PM , Blogger 00 said...

Um.....I'm really confused too. I'll be honest, I didn't read the whole maybe a 1/3 of the way through it, and realised that the guy was contradicting, perhaps it's a language issue (as in the author isn't a native English speaker).

If that's not the case, then I think that the person must have some sort of mental deficits, b/c it simply doesn't make sense what they're saying.

At 8:36 PM , Blogger stella said...

I never even replied to him yet. I will though. I like how he contradicts himself by saying that he believes the Word of God is true, but then he states that, "if the truth is out there..."

Well, which is it? Either the Bible is true or it's not.


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