Monday, January 14, 2008

Looking at Jesus.

I've been hearing the phrase "keeping a single focus on only Jesus." Meaning that we should not look at "Jesus and religion" or "Jesus and the world." But the one that made me think was we should look at "Jesus and the Law."

Well, I understand the idea behind looking solely at Jesus...but...if we never look at the Law, how will we know that Jesus came to fulfill it? How will we ever know why Jesus came? We will never see ourselves as God sees us: filthy, wretched beings that are deserving of punishment in hell.

The Law and Jesus go together. The Law is a reminder that we NOT good people, but Jesus makes us righteous in the eyes of the Father. I think it's important to return to the Law every now and then, so that we never lose sight of why Jesus we never lose sight of the Cross...and just how precious Jesus is to us.


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