Sunday, February 24, 2008

Something That Must Be Said: CUT IT OFF!

Actually, my pastor just preached on this yesterday in Singapore...

This is something that must be said because there are people who go around introducing themselves as "Dr. Reverend Bishop Bucketmouth"...and it needs to stop within the body of Christ.

So, I go a comment from someone who poses himself as a "priest." He has/had been posting quiet vulgar and filthy comments on another blog and I made note of the filth content. I couldn't read it and let my friend know. The comment stated that I let others do the thinking for me (and I won't post it because he doesn't deserve to have his hate-filled trash on my blog...that's right, it's my blog and I do what I want). Basically, it appears as if he's trying to start some rivalry or fight, as he "dared me" to read his blog "in context."

With that, I have read your blog several times, many weeks ago. I completely understand your lukewarm attitude towards scripture. It is quite obvious. I don't even need to read out of context...the first flith word was enough to make me stop reading.

One of the things about being a Christian who has been changed by God, is that you, yourself is changed by God. There are things that you used to do that you can't do any longer because you serve a perfect and holy God. When Jesus Christ transforms your life, you are never the same. You can't help but want to live a life that brings glory and honor to the name of Jesus Christ, not only in your actions, but in your WORDS, and THOUGHTS.

As a Christian, if there are things that aren't glorifying to the name of Jesus Christ: CUT IT OFF! Circumsize yourself to your sin (whatever it may be...I know I have to check myself from time to time) and make a conscience decision to stop. For your own sake, and the sake of others...CUT IT OFF.

With that said, I choose to cut off sin in my life, doesn't mean I'm perfect, but I choose a life that would my Father proud of me, because I love, honor, cherish and respect Him so very much for all that He's done in my life. I could do whatever I want...but I choose to live a life totally surrendered to Jesus Christ. And, after 21years in the world, I wouldn't have it any other way...

So, there are no apologies for coming into agreement with the Word of God. And, if someone is preaching the Word, and there is truth to what they say, according to the Word of God, then yes, I agree with them...It doesn't mean I don't think for myself; In fact, it proves the opposite: Someone says something is from the Word, you go and study it out to see if it's true...Reminds me of those people in the Bible...

In sum, to all the Dr. Reverend Bishop Bucketmouths out there, keep acting in ingnorance, selfish and know the Word and God knows your heart.


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