Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Appealing to the Soul?!? A Last Response

I'm done with this conversion on the board, but got another message. I won't reply to this because a). the person doesn't know how to read apparently nor critically think and b). it's a heart issue. But, I will give a short response on here in blue.
I am glad to see that the Christian right wing response to yesterdaysZeitgeist-post only had more quotes from the same disputed bible as alast defense. Ha ha ha. This made me laugh so hard because I've never been called "the Chrisitian right wing." Anyway, my response only had Bible quotes when replying to the BIBLE QUOTE HE claimed was a contradiction IN THE BIBLE! I saw no proper references to scientific historicalliterature that contradicted anything I stated Acutally, I wasn't going to give you any because it would all just be disputed. This guy is not interested in knowing truth, but knowing that he is right. and may thereforepresume that done trip to Egypt does not make a professionaltheological historian. Actually, my qualifications do make me a "professional theological historian," but I will not throw the education card in his face. I saw no response to the majority of my statements at all, except forsome semantic babble about the interpretation of English vocabulary. You're right. I have better things to do then to reply to your long winded copy-and-pasted-from-the-internet e-mail. By, the way, if you don't understand the need to understand the foundations of a language, and do not take into consideration the original language in context, then you are nothing more than ignorant and have drawn your own conclusions based on your own ideology. This time around I will focus less on historical facts, but I willtry to appeal to the soul instead. WOW! This is a shocker? We have a soul? But if there is no God, why should we have one?!? In the last 30 or some years ago i have travelled and lived in over35 countries. In the past 6 years, I've lived and travelled in 15 All that means is by the time I get to that 30 year mark, I could have potentially traveled and lived in more countries that you....I ended up living 7 years in south India among Hindusand Muslims. I'm from New York City, they are all over! I found out that very few Hindus actually know the wholestory of Hinduism. Like almost all believers of their own religions. Religion in India is like air. It is everywhere,everyone breathes all day, and no-one really thinks much about it.How sad that it's just "something one does." You can not ask anyone for the complete picture. They simply don'tknow. No-one tried to convert me. Hinduism does not propagateconversion. Right, it's based on selfishness and making YOUR life better and free from pain. You can only be a real Hindu if you are born one. Not true. Just like doesn't have to be born a Muslim to be a real Muslim or born as a Christian to be a real Christian. We can choose, if we are exposed to more. However: Almost 750 million Hindus are really Hindus, and are firmlyconvinced that Hinduism is the only right path.In India, ordan, Marocco, Holland and France I spent many years amongMuslims. Me too, I have a lot of Muslim friends in New York, Indiana and Egypt...and in fact, I'm moving to a Muslim country!Even though they were all dedicated Muslims, they oftenspoke different languages,and had different views about what theKoran ment to them. Most of them knew the Koran very well and werevery serious about Islam. To 1 billion Muslims Islam is the onlyright path and non of them has ever tried to convert me. That's because they don't care about you. If someone thinks that they know the right away and you are wrong, and they don't tell you, it's because they don't care what happens to you. They could be the nicest people to you. But they are not concerned for you after you die. If what you say is true. These days I live in what I like to call yellow Asia, where I liveamong Buddhists, Daoists and a series of religious variations that Ihave not quite yet mastered. I find all of them to be very tolerant,and non of them, in 6 years, has ever tried to convince me of theirright. Again, because it's all about the self and their own perfection. These religions are NOT loving! They all live alongside of eachother, do their own things, andyet firmly believe that they are on the only right path. I could noteven imagine any one of them even considering to convert me. Again, because they DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU! I also lived in many white Christian countries, among scores ofCatholics not christian, Protestants, Jews, Seventh-day-Adventists not christian, Mormons not chrisitan ,Baptists, Anabatists, Jezuits not christian, Easter-Community-followers I've never heard of this, but it probably doesn't believe in salvation through grace by faith, which makes it not christian, JehovasWitnesses not christian, Lutherians, Calvinists and the newest splinter group: Bornagain Christians.I always talk to all of them. When they knock my door, Born again Chrisitians go door to door?!?!?!?! I have never, ever heard of this method of evangelism. I think you are confused with Mormons or Jehovah Witnesses...those are the only groups that have ever come to my door in my entire life. I let them inand invite them to the debate, enjoying milk and cookies as we speak.I always want to know who they are, what they believe in, and howthey got to their conclusions and convictions.I will not tire you with their beliefs, but there is something veryodd about them in comparison with the other religious structures:None of them seem to agree with eachothers version of what used to beChristianity once. BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT CHRISTIAN!!! (refering to the cult groups that come to your door...Mormons and JWs. There's no way that Born Agains in Taiwan go door-to-door....I've been to the churches. I know the people. They can't even share their faith with their friends, let alone go door-to-door). They are polarised, fanatical, intolerant and donot cease to try to convert (or subvert)me. (HM...I'm a born again Christian and I gave you the Gospel once...and that's all I'm going to give it to you...Just to hear or read it once, makes you responsible. I don't need to keep telling you). They all firmly believethat they are on the only right path, that being a path that merelyhas its roots in old Christianity, but has become somethingcompletely different along the way.If you believe that jesus once lived, or Allah, or Buddah, orwhatever famous diety you might have chosen as your only God, thanone essential credo comes floating to the surface. Beware of pride,beware of ego, be tolerant, be loving and be respectfull. But see it is loving to tell someone the truth. If you are blind and walking towards the edge of the cliff, is the loving thing to say, "Hey! Hope you have a good day!"? Or perhaps, the loving thing to do is to leave him alone, afterall, we never know if he really wants to kill himself. NO! The loving thing to do would to be to warn him of the danger ahead. This stands as a massive contradiction to what religion actually isin the eyes of the believer: That their religion is the only rightpath. Therefore; If I claim (f.e.)to be a true Christian, Iautomatically piss and I'm the first to agree that this is wrong and there has been a lot done in the name of Christianity which should have never been done. There are also a lot of false converts who claim to represent Christ and they don't because they are not true believers and for that I'm very sorry.on the heads of 5 billion world citizens, peoplewith feelings, brains, lives, families, pains, wisdom and experience,and laugh at their hurt egos by claiming that I am right, and ALL ofthem are wrong. Somewhere down the line this man has obviously been hurt by "christians" or the "church." Please pray for him. Oh, how the mighty will dayStan

This all makes me think about the people who become Christians and freely give up their lives for the Gospel. If Christianity is wrong, why won't people deny it in order to save their lives in certain places...

What do you do with that?


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