I'm going home January 27-February 11, 2007!!! (Alex, wanna travel back with me?!?) I'm not homesick, but I actually miss my mom! Today is her birthday!! Happy birthday, mom, who never reads this! :) Some things to point out: I've come to appreciate America, although I complain about the country a lot! I've come to appreciate my old church, although I've complained about it a lot. I truly miss it!! (Did that just come out of my mouth?!?) I left the church that I was attending....Lord bless them, but it was not for me. I was complaining too much in America. I'm learning to appreciate the little things. Like today...I am teaching about Thanksgiving this week. I told my students the whole "first Thanksgiving story." We made turkeys...I had students write "I am thankful for..." on the turkeys and 3 things they are thankful for. I gave them my examples (and of course my first on the list is God...remember, I still have to be careful about what and how I say things...). Then I listed theirs on the board. In one class, a non-Christian student said he is thankful for God (not the gods, not ancestors...but he was talking about the Christian God (he was asked in Chinese to clarify what he meant...and that's what he said). In another class, a girl asked how to spell Jesus, because she is thankful for Jesus...I was completely taken back by this!!!! And this happened in several other classes!!! (What?!? Some of my students are Christians?!?) Today was a really good day. Here are some pictures of our turkeys. And now it's bedtime.